The queen of talk show and one of the richest
women in the world, Oprah Winfrey is in the eye
of the storm and the storm is coming from inside
her family. In an exclusive chat with Daily Mail,
Oprah's stepmother, a 66-year-old Barbara
Winfrey, has exposed too many of Oprah's dirty
I just wander what Barbara Winfrey stand to gain
by rubbishing her stepdaughter, the much loved
Here is what she said;
Barbara said the Oprah who is loved by millions
is world apart from the real person she really is.
That Oprah is a manipulative and high-handed
fellow, she treats family like staff and uses her
wealth to control others. That Oprah Winfrey
kicked her out of her home after 14 years,
leaving her flat out homeless. That Oprah played
in a huge part in ‘destroying’ her marriage to
Oprah's father.
She also reveals that Oprah and her "boyfriend"
Stedman Graham are not bound by romance but
a pragmatic cocktail of shared secrets...
Convenience and money. She describes Oprah’s
relationship with close confidante Gayle King, 59,
as bizarre and unhealthy, and points to it as the
reason that neither Oprah or Gayle are married.
And at the heart of it all, Barbara claims, the
‘real Oprah’ - hidden behind the image she
projects so well – is a woman unhappy in her
skin and, as Barbara has learned to her cost,
unforgiving to those who inspire her wrath.
Barbara said told DailyMail:
‘You find out quickly where your place is with
Oprah and you get in that place and
you stay in thatplaceMcrime, I think,
was to talk to her like a normal person and she
didn’t like that one bit. My husband once told
me that just because someone gives you
something does not mean they love you. He was
talking about Oprah.
Her brand is that she’s a nice, caring, generous,
giving person. That’s not how it is. She’s
controlling – it’s all about control. She has
confidentiality agreements with pretty much
everybody in her life. She has them sign their life
away and she has them in her pocket.
Everything comes with stipulations but she
doesn’t tell you that and she doesn’t tell you
what they are. Some people can have money and
be mentally rich – secure in what they have I
guess. But others, how can I put it…some people
you can’t take the ghetto out of. That’s Oprah,
it’s who she is and where she’s from. She had
money, everybody was going to know it and see
it. But she had to be in control.’
About Oprah throwing her out of her matrimonial
home, according to Barbara, she wedded Vernon
Winfrey, Oprah's father, 15 years after first
meeting him - 17 June 2000. But their marriage
fell apart when she discovered Vernon cheated
on her with a prostitute named 'One Tooth.'
By her own admission Barbara struggled to cope
with Vernon’s infidelity. She moved out of the
marital bedroom but she was not, she insisted,
looking to end her marriage.
Barbara said: ‘Oprah is a woman who empowers
women to be all they can be, to stand up
against men who mistreat them. If she was a
more decent person she would realize that what
her dad did was very wrong instead of plotting
against me and pushing me out of the scene.
Vernon had been telling everyone he was
unhappy with the marriage. He told Stedman and
he told Oprah, so she came up with an escape
plan I guess to get me out of the picture, make
all the scandal of what he’d done go away.
Barbara claimed that Oprah pressed her dad
Vernon to resolve the situation and divorce her.
Even though they're divorced now, they still
speak once a week, so she believes they would
have stayed together had Oprah not intervened.
Oprah bought a home in Nashville back in 2000
for her dad and her stepmother as a wedding
gift. Barb claims once she and her now ex-
husband decided to split, Vernon convinced
Oprah to take back the home she had gifted
them. Barbara was served with an eviction
notice earlier this month and has until May 29th
to leave the $1.4 million Nashville home.
I have lost everything. It’s not just a house, this
is my home. All my memories are here. I’m
trying to keep it together but there are some
days I just don’t understand how I could have
made her so angry that she would kick me out
on the street and think nothing about it. But
that’s Oprah – she’s judge and jury.
“I know people have read about this and
thought, Who does she think she is? Why should
she get a million dollar home? But can you see
it’s not about that? It’s about everything that
went before. Look at how she has treated me. I
laid my head next to her father for 14 years and
she never thought me worthy of talking to."
3:12 AM
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